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Turbo Pascal 4.0
[ Скачать с сервера (451.4 Kb) · Скачать удаленно (462к) ] 04.02.2009, 19:33
Turbo Pascal v4.0

Четвертая версия Борландовского Pascal компилятора.

Дата выпуска: 02 ноября 1987

Особенности компилятора:

  • Появление TPU (Turbo Pascal Unit) - отдельно компилируемых библиотек процедур и функций
  • Графика для EGA/VGA

Состав дистрибутива:

File Description

README COM - Program to display README file
TURBO EXE - Turbo Pascal Integrated Development Environment
TURBO TPL - Resident units for Turbo Pascal
TURBO HLP - Turbo Pascal Help File
TPC EXE - Command line version of Turbo Pascal
README - This file!

TINST EXE - Installation program for TURBO.EXE
UPGRADE EXE - Program that converts 3.0 programs to 4.0
TPMAP EXE - .TPM to .MAP conversion utility
TPUMOVER EXE - Unit mover utility
TPCONFIG EXE - .TP to .CFG conversion utility
BINOBJ EXE - Utility to convert a binary file to a .OBJ
BINOBJ DOC - Documentation for BINOBJ.EXE
MAKE EXE - Utility to aid in project management
GREP COM - Utility to search text files for strings
TOUCH COM - Utility to change the dates and times of files
CRTDEMO PAS - Example program for the Crt unit
GR3DEMO PAS - Example program for the Graph3 unit (turtle graphics)
QSORT PAS - Standard QuickSort program example
LISTER PAS - Program listing example that uses the PRINTER unit
HILB PAS - Ffloating point example program for Hilbert matrix
FIB8087 PAS - Recursive example that uses the 8087 math
coprocessor and avoids 8087 stack overflow
PROCPTR PAS - Example program that shows how to use procedure
pointers and inline directives
EMS PAS - Example program that shows how to use Expanded
Memory from your programs.
AUXINOUT PAS - AUX example from P-373 of the Owner's Handbook that
implements a text file device driver for serial
communications ports
BCD PAS - Unit to convert Turbo Pascal 3.0 BCD Reals to
Turbo Pascal 4.0 real numbers.
CPASDEMO PAS - Example program that shows how to link .OBJ files
generated by Turbo C with Turbo Pascal programs
CPASDEMO C - C program for use with CPASDEMO.PAS
CTOPAS TC - Turbo C configuration file to use with TC.EXE for
producing .OBJ files that can be linked with Turbo
Pascal (see CPASDEMO.PAS)
TURBOC CFG - Turbo C configuration file to use with TCC.EXE for
producing .OBJ files that can be linked with Turbo
Pascal (see CPASDEMO.PAS)
SYSTEM DOC - Interface section listing for the SYSTEM unit
DOS DOC - Interface section listing for the DOS unit
CRT DOC - Interface section listing for the CRT unit
PRINTER DOC - Interface section listing for the PRINTER unit
GRAPH3 DOC - Interface section listing for the GRAPH3 unit
TURBO3 DOC - Interface section listing for the TURBO3 unit
Q&A - Common Questions and Answers

GRAPH DOC - Interface section listing, important additions and
changes to the Graph unit documentation in the manual
GRAPH TPU - Borland Graphics Interface (BGI) Graph unit
ATT BGI - Graphics device driver for AT&T 6300 graphics
CGA BGI - Graphics device driver for CGA and MCGA graphics
EGAVGA BGI - Graphics device driver for EGA and VGA
HERC BGI - Graphics device driver for Hercules monographics
PC3270 BGI - Graphics device driver for 3270PC graphics
GOTH CHR - Gothic font character set
LITT CHR - Small font character set
SANS CHR - SansSerif font character set
TRIP CHR - Triplex font character set
GRDEMO PAS - Example program for the Graph unit
ARTY4 PAS - Example program for the Graph unit
GRLINK PAS - Example program for the Graph unit that shows how to
link font and driver files into an .EXE file.
DRIVERS PAS - Example unit for use with GRLINK.PAS
FONTS PAS - Example unit source for use with GRLINK.PAS
GRLINK MAK - Make file for use with GRLINK.PAS
MCALC PAS - MicroCalc example program
MC?????? PAS - Supporting units for MicroCalc
MCMVSMEM ASM - Assembler routine used by MicroCalc
MCMVSMEM OBJ - Assembled version of MCMVSMEM.ASM
UNPACK EXE - Utility to unpack GREXAMPL.ARC

GREXAMPL ARC - Packed example programs for GRAPH unit.

FILELIST - List of the example programs in GREXAMPL.ARC
and the corresponding procedure/function names
and manual page numbers.
ARC PAS - Arc example program
ARCCOORD PAS - ArcCoord example program
ASPECT PAS - GetArcCoords example program
BAR PAS - Bar example program
BAR3D PAS - Bar3D example program
CIRCLE PAS - Circle example program
CLOSEGR PAS - CloseGraph example program
CLRDEV PAS - ClearDevice example program
CLRVP PAS - ClearViewPort example program
DETECT PAS - DetectGraph example program
DRPOLY PAS - DrawPoly example program
ELLIPSE PAS - Ellipse example program
FILLPOLY PAS - FillPoly example program
FLOOD PAS - FloodFill example program
GETBKCOL PAS - GetBkColor example program
GETCOL PAS - GetColor example program
GETFILLS PAS - GetFillSettings example program
GETGRMD PAS - GetGraphMode example program
GETLNS PAS - GetLineSettings example program
GETMAXX PAS - GetMaxX example program
GETMAXY PAS - GetMaxY example program
GETPAL PAS - GetPalette example program
GETPIX PAS - GetPixel example program
GETTXTS PAS - GetTxtSettings example program
GETVS PAS - GetViewSettings example program
GETX PAS - GetX example program
GETY PAS - GetY example program
GRERRMSG PAS - GraphErrorMsg example program
GRRES PAS - GraphResult example program
IMSIZE PAS - ImageSize example program
INITGR PAS - InitGraph example program
LINE PAS - Line example program
LINEREL PAS - LineRel example program
LINETO PAS - LineTo example program
MOVEREL PAS - MoveRel example program
MOVETO PAS - MoveTo example programs
OUTTXT PAS - OutText example program
OUTTXTXY PAS - OutTextXY example program
PIESLICE PAS - PieSlice example program
PUTIM PAS - PutImage example program
PUTPIX PAS - PutPixel example program
RECT PAS - Rectangle example program
RESCRT PAS - RestoreCrtMode example program
SETACTPG PAS - SetActivePage example program
SETALLP PAS - SetAllPalette example program
SETBKCOL PAS - SetBkColor example program
SETCOL PAS - SetColor example program
SETFLPAT PAS - SetFillPattern example program
SETGRMOD PAS - SetGraphMode example program
SETLNSTY PAS - SetLineStyle example program
SETPAL PAS - SetPalette example program
SETTXTJS PAS - SetTextJustify example program
SETTXTST PAS - SetTextStyle example program
SETVISPG PAS - SetVisualPage example program
SETVP PAS - SetViewPort example program
TXTHT PAS - TextHeight example program

Сегодня TP4.0 относится к категории музейных экспонатов и его можно скачать бесплатно.
по материлам сайта http://pascal.sources.ru/museum/tp40.htm
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